Science Department

Biology is one of the most popular A Level subjects in the country, attracting students that study a variety of other subjects. Students will try and understand how animals and organisms (including humans) work, how we have evolved over the years and the things that can make us unwell as well as the things that can improve our health.
As with the other sciences, biology helps you to build up research, problem solving, organisation and analytical skills. If you study biology, you will likely find yourself working on group projects, which will help you build your teamwork and communication skills too.
Course Content
Content is split into six teaching modules:
Module 1 – Development of practical skills in chemistry
Module 2 – Foundations in chemistry
Module 3 – Periodic table and energy
Module 4 – Core organic chemistry
Module 5 – Physical chemistry and transition elements
Module 6 – Organic chemistry
What You Can Progress To?
Most A Level chemistry students go on to university followed by a related career, whereas some students choose to go directly into industry or enter university later. With the right combination of subjects, this course will lead you to a career in science or medicine.
How Will You Learn?
You will experience a variety of teaching methods and styles and laboratory work. Croydon Metropolitan College has a well-equipped laboratory for the study of Chemistry. There are textbooks and website access specifically for this specification and classes employ a wide range of practical teaching and learning techniques.
How Will You Be Assessed?
We follow the OCR exam board.
The A Level qualification is a full time course achieved over a two year period. It is
assessed by 3 written exams at the end of the second year:
Two written papers, both 2 hours and 15 minutes worth 37%
One written paper 1 hour 30 minutes worth 26%
The practical skills and techniques are assessed directly in the practical endorsement, using the common practical assessment criteria (CPAC). Students carry out 12 practicals throughout the two years of the A Level course and maintain their own records. Quality assurance of the practical endorsement is carried out by visiting monitors.